Bachelor of Psychology

To study Psychology, it’s recommended that the student has the abilities to observe and to concentrate. Other skills very useful in this area are the ability to analyze and to synthesize, to be thorough and to have attention to detail, to be capable of logical reasoning, have good level of numeracy, inclination towards investigation, interest for scientific developments, motivation towards technology, and interest in the human development.
Furthermore, due to the Career Opportunities that Psychology presents, it’s recommended to have interest towards studying human beings, our social sensibility, capabilities to form relationships and interpersonal contact, as well as interpersonal communication (oral and written), verbal reasoning and comprehending, visual and auditory memory, capacity to negotiate, flexibility and critical sense.

  • Interest in studying human behavior.
  • Ability to observe and listen systematically.
  • Ability to self-observe.
  • Ability to oral and written communication.
  • Research skills.
  • Capacity for analysis, criticism and reflection.
  • Good social skills.
Psychology profession covers different social realities. Most psychologists work in public positions (hospitals, Town Halls, Public Administrations), even though private practice of the profession is also a common career option.


Admission Requirement

We’ve simplified the admission process to help you get started quickly and easily. You can find all requirements for admission to the Catholic University of Murcia below
1. WASSCE/A level Cert
2. School Transcript
3. Passport
4. Recommendation Letter

English Language Requirement

A B2 English level is required to be admitted in this Degree. For the purposes of meeting the English proficiency requirement, English taken in 12 year education or English is designated as the primary and official language, and the principle language of instruction.
