B.A Liberal Arts (Behavioral & Social Science)

 Social/Behavioral Science program will teach you how to study human behavior and human societies. You will learn how cultures have developed, discover how economic and political systems operate, and investigate how people learn and change over time. You will also study sexuality and the experiences of minority and majority groups in societies and cultures around the world. As you progress through the program, you will be able to individualize your studies with many social science electives, such as Anthropology, Environmental Conservation, Geography, History, Political Science, Psychology, Women's studies, and Sociology. 
Find your path.
Child, Family, and School Social Workers – est. salary $55,898
Healthcare Social Workers 
– est. salary $60,546*
Social and Human Service Assistants – est. salary $37,553


Admission Requirement

We’ve simplified the admission process to help you get started quickly and easily. You can find all requirements for admission to the Avila Uiversity below
1. WASSCE/A level Cert
2. School Transcript
3. Passport
4. Recommendation Letter

English Language Requirement

Avila University will accept, for the purposes of meeting the English proficiency requirement, English taken in 12 year education or English is designated as the primary and official language, and the principle language of instruction.


Summer, 2025

From January, 2025 to April, 2025


Fall, 2025

From January, 2025 to September, 2025
