Master's in Hospitality Management

The Master's Degree in Hospitality Management is designed for university graduates who  have a passion for the hospitality and tourism industry and a specific interest in planning,  developing, and managing hotels and catering companies. Upon successful completion  of all exams, students will receive an official qualification approved by ANECA (National  Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain). 
By studying the Master’s Degree in Hospitality Management / Máster en Dirección de Hoteles y Empresas de Restauración students will be able to carry out internships in large national and international hospitality companies (hotels, catering groups, cruise ships, catering, events, etc.) and learn from great professional mentors. In addition, they will receive excellent personalised attention from the institution.
Career Opportunities 

  • Both at Corporate and Business Unit level.
  • Hotel and Catering Company Manager.
  • Marketing, Communication and Sales Manager.
  • Food and Beverage/ Catering Manager.
  • Quality Manager.
  • Customer Experience Manager.
  • Director of Revenue Management.
  • Operations Manager.
  • Accommodation Manager.
  • Hotel Asset Manager.
  • Hotel Consultant.


Admission Requirement

We’ve simplified the admission process to help you get started quickly and easily. You can find all requirements for admission to the Catholic University of Murcia below
1. Bachelor Certificate
2. Bachelor Transcript
3. Passport
4. Recommendation Letter
5. English Proficiency Letter
6. Statement of Purpose
7. CV
8. Wassce /A level Cert

English Language Requirement

A B2 English level is required to be admitted in this Degree. For the purposes of meeting the English proficiency requirement, English taken as medium of instruction or English is designated as the primary and official language, and the principle language of instruction.

Cost Summary

Program Diration: 1 year
Tuition Fee: €7,290 EUR / Year
Application Fee: €50 EUR
