M.Tech Nano Science and Technology

Nanoscience and Technology is an interdisciplinary field with tremendous impact on our day to day life. It finds applications in medical sciences, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, imaging technology, metallurgy and material science etc. Career in this emerging field has numerous promising opportunities in Industries, Academia, Research and Development organisations
The programme fits into the growing worldwide convergence between these different basic sciences, and between science, technology, and engineering sciences in general. Program studies the relationship between artificial and biological systems on a nano-meter scale and its application in various fields. The course develops an understanding of related disciplines such as Nano-electronics, Nano-medicine, Nano-optics, Nano-biotechnology, Nano-materials, Nano-mechanics and Nano-particles & Nano-materials. Nanotechnology aims at the design and creation of functional materials, structures, devices and systems through direct control of matter on the nano-meter length scale and exploitation of novel phenomena and properties on this length scale.
Careers path
M.Tech Nano Science and Technology Skills that allow you to work in various areas such as:

  • High-tech companies
  • Chemical plants
  • Biotechnology
  • Energy
  • Medicine
  • Materials Research
  • Food industry
  • Research Institutions

