Fall, 2025
From March, 2025 to May, 2025
Physics is the study of the fundamental processes of our Universe, and its laws underpin the other natural sciences. Our flexible BSc Physics programme reflects this central role. The programme covers all aspects of physics, from the very basics to the current frontiers of knowledge. Our overall aim is to build a solid foundation of physics knowledge and use that to teach you how to think differently about the world and learn the widely applicable problem-solving skills of a physicist.
Here, you will be taught by experts in both experimental and theoretical areas of physics. Our highly research-active staff's work also interfaces strongly with other disciplines, so you will learn how to apply your physics skills and knowledge to understanding problems in multiple fields, including the environment, the economy and medicine.
We have laboratory physics available at all four years of the degree, with a solid introduction to the skills required for experimental physics in our first-year labs, leading to ever more complex experiments and more freedom to pursue your own interests in the second and third year.
Graduates have opportunities in a diverse range of careers using skills gained from this degree, such as:
We’ve simplified the admission process to help you get started quickly and easily. You can find all requirements for admission to Ajou University below
1. WASSCE/A level Cert
2. School Transcript
3. Passport
4. Recommendation Letter
Ajou University will accept, for the purposes of meeting the English proficiency requirement, English taken in 12 year education or English is designated as the primary and official language, and the principle language of instruction.
From March, 2025 to May, 2025