Fall, 2025
From January, 2025 to September, 2025
MSc Investment Management programe can be studied full time (over one year) or
part time (over two years). The programme will consist of four core, three
optional modules and a dissertation.Core modules are offered on investment
analysis and the main financial instruments, trading strategies and risk
management of investment funds. Optional modules are offered in accounting and
corporate finance, structured derivative products, quantitative methods and
computational tool. This course combines thorough training in investment theory
with the practical tools you’ll need to solve real investment problems. You’ll
learn the analytical, decision-making, problem-solving, risk mitigation and
technical skills you need to thrive in an increasingly complex global financial
environment. You'll benefit from lectures and seminars taught by experts with a
track record of industry experience in a range of roles, including investment
managers, investment analysts, investment strategists and leading academics.
Career Option
MSc is designed to allow students whose career choices lie in the financial
services sector to develop their analytical skills, acquire a body of
knowledge, and be exposed to the frontiers of the subject. Potential careers
span a wide range, including investment banking, corporate banking, financial
regulation, investment management, hedge fund management, the equity, bond and
foreign currency markets, corporate treasury management, derivatives and risk
We’ve simplified the admission process to help you get started quickly and easily. You can find all requirements for admission to Middlesex University Dubai below
1. Bachelor Certificate
2. Bachelor Transcript
3. Passport
4. Recommendation Letter
5. English Proficiency Letter
6. Statement of Purpose
7. CV
8. Wassce /A level Certificate
Middlesex University Dubai will accept, for the purposes of meeting the English proficiency requirement, English taken in 12 year education or English is designated as the primary and official language, and the principle language of instruction.
From January, 2025 to September, 2025