Welcome to the Bachelor of Music - Voice Performance

The Vocal Performance Concentration in the Bachelor of Music degree is offered by the College of Liberal Arts at MTSU. MTSU provides diverse training for students pursuing a Music degree in Voice Performance. Opportunities abound to perform in operas, musicals, and an array of ensembles, as well as at local theaters and the Nashville Opera. Voice faculty members, who perform professionally, will guide you in learning not only how to sing, but also how to establish and maintain a career. Guest clinicians are brought in, and faculty members hold weekly studio classes so that students can perform and receive feedback. The School of Music and the Theatre program work collaboratively to help students move into the real world of performance. To be admitted into the Bachelor of Music degree program, all entering students must pass an audition before the faculty on their major instrument or voice. In addition, all prospective new or transfer undergraduate music majors and minors are required to take the Music Theory and Aural Skills Diagnostic Exam to determine appropriate placement in the music theory program. For additional information and to schedule a time for the exam, contact the School of Music Office.

Career Path

Some undergraduates also have won prestigious competitions and been accepted to outstanding music schools for advanced degrees.  Here are some examples of job possibilities: Actor. Church musician/worship leader, Composer/arranger/orchestrator, Music critic/journalist, Music editor and publisher, Music educator, Music librarian, Music theater director, Musicologist, Salesperson/marketer, Singer/performer, Songwriter, Studio/private teacher, Talent agent.

