Bachelor of Law (Hons) International Relations

Studying on this programme gives you an opportunity to complete a qualifying law degree while locating law in the turbulent, rapidly changing world of international relations. As well as fulfilling the requirements of students who wish to train towards general legal practice, the LLB Law with International Relations is especially suitable for students interested in pursuing a career within one of the many kinds of multilateral organisation to be found in increasingly globalised societies (e.g. political, diplomatic, regulatory, campaigning, service-providing, health, trade and other agencies, NGOs and charities). Our expert tutors include solicitors, barristers and academics with extensive global legal experience. They bring unique insights from real-life cases to shape your studies and develop your expertise. For this law and international relations degree you will learn by: Enhancing your awareness of the contexts in which the law operates. Being at the heart of legal innovation, with plenty of support from tutors who are nationally and internationally-recognised experts in their chosen field. Taking part in mooting (mock trial) and mediation competitions. Experiencing the atmosphere and excitement of the courtroom in our specialist chambers at Hendon Town Hall. Taking on work placements or putting your skills into action as part of the School of Law’s Clinical Legal Education Programme.

Career Option

The LLB Law with International Relations is especially suitable if you are interested in pursuing a career within one of the many kinds of multilateral organisations to be found in increasingly globalised societies (e.g. political, diplomatic, regulatory, campaigning, service-providing, health, trade and other agencies, NGOs and charities).


Admission Requirements

We’ve simplified the admission process to help you get started quickly and easily. You can find all requirements for admission to Middlesex University Dubai below
1. WASSCE/A level Certificate
2. School Transcript
3. Passport
4. Recommendation Letter

English Language Requirement

Middlesex University Dubai will accept, for the purposes of meeting the English proficiency requirement, English taken in 12 year education or English is designated as the primary and official language, and the principle language of instruction.


Fall, 2025

From January, 2025 to September, 2025
