Bsc Actuarial science

Bachelor of Science – Actuarial science is the profession concerned with the application of mathematical, statistical, probabilistic, and financial theories to solve real business problems. These problems involve analyzing future financial events, especially where future payments involved have certain or uncertain timing. The traditional areas in which actuaries operate are; life and general insurance, pensions, and investment. Actuaries are also increasingly moving into other fields like health insurance, solvency measurements and asset-liability management, financial risk management, mortality and morbidity investigation and so on where their analytical skills can be employed. Currently, there is high demand for Actuarial Science expertise locally, regionally and internationally.
At the end of this programme, the student will able to:

  • Explain fundamental principles of Actuarial Science as applied in investments, life and non-life insurance, pension funds and financial risk management.
  • Employ Actuarial Science techniques in the design of insurance products, valuation of financial contracts and modelling of mortality and morbidity.
  • Interpret demographic and financial data to inform prudent decisions in national development
  • Demonstrate the ability to apply the principles, methods and techniques of Actuarial Science that meet standards of practice required by the relevant professional bodies.

