Diploma Operation Theatre technology

Diploma in operation theatre technology is a two year diploma program designed to build a trained and qualified professional who will assist medical professionals in the operation theatre of hospitals, intensive care units as well as emergency departments. The success of the procedures and safety of patients depends largely on the reliability of the OT technician. Diploma holders of this course will possess desired technical and interpersonal skills required to work under the supervision of nursing, anaesthetists and surgical personnel.
Operation Theatre Technology is a detailed technical occupation in the field of health science. Also recognised by the names Operating Theatre Technicians (OTT), Surgical Scrubs and Operating Room Assistants, these nominal medical professionals are an important part of the operation unit team who work alongside with the surgeon, anesthesiologist and nurse in order to provide quality patient care throughout the surgery.
 Careers path

  • General Surgery
  • Gynaecology Surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Urology

