School Details

CT University Punjab is Leading Industry Driven, research focused University having industry and academic tie ups with EC-Council, BOSCH, FORTIS. CTU strives to provide a technologically advanced, ultra-modern, academically and socially vibrant campus that offers a safe and supportive educational environment for all. With its need-based programmes in academics, research and social engagement, CTU is registering a global visibility now. Strength of the CTU is its faculty of eminence, originality of programmes, creditability of achievement and the lasting impact on society. It not only produces graduates but encourages new inventions and   technologies. It prepares students as great individuals, responsible citizens, and leaders in their own way. CTU nurtures a culture of open, rigorous, and need-based inquiry in which faculty and students participate actively. For this, it has re-prioritized its programmes and developed the need-based infrastructure vis-à-vis academic excellence. It has taken a range of initiatives enabling it to best serve the knowledge society. 

CT University (CTU) strives to provide a technologically advanced, ultra-modern, academically and socially vibrant campus that offers a safe and supportive educational environment for all. CT University is a multi-disciplinary, student-centric, research-focused university offering a full range of academic programs at the undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral level. CTU’s multi-disciplinary curriculum leads students towards a strong foundation in the disciplines of Design & Innovation, Humanities and Physical Education; Hotel Management, Airlines & Tourism; Law; Engineering & Technology; Pharmaceutical & Healthcare Sciences; Management Studies and Agriculture & Natural Sciences while enabling them to gain expertise in their own field. The programs at CTU bear the distinctive stamp of interdisciplinary and research, leading to scholarly publications and creative expressions by its faculty and students.

CTU is one of the Leading Industry Driven University with almost the prominent courses having industry and academic tie ups with EC-Council for Information and Cyber Security Programs, BOSCH for Mechanical and Automobile Engineering Programs, Huawei for Information and Communication Technologies, FORTIS for Healthcare Management and Physiotherapy Programs, Tally for Finance and Accounting and Autodesk for Mechanical, Electrical and Civil Engineering Programs, University of Derby for Student Exchange and Faculty Exchange Programs, EUSAI for Sports Programme, Mendel University in BRNO for Student Exchange and Faculty Exchange Programme and Cambridge University Press, FIEO for International Trade.

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