School Details

Located in the city of Kington, Holy Cross is a modern school with a vibrant student community. The school has an active student council and many clubs and activities for students to participate in. Holy Cross has been a certified ECO School since the Spring of 2009 showing its commitment to being a school that promotes environmental education and takes action on reducing our impact on the environment.  

At Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School (Kingston), we are committed to providing quality Catholic Education which serves the academic, social, physical, and spiritual development of all our students. As a Catholic community the ideals of Jesus are both taught and witnessed, community members are respectful and appreciative of each other's gifts and challenged to live the Christian ideal. We are a proud member of the Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board, located in Eastern Ontario. As a community we will embody "faith in action"; uphold the value of family; stress the integration of the spiritual, intellectual and moral development of the total person, and; emphasize Gospel values. In short, we will provide you with the opportunity to meet the Catholic Graduate Expectations.

Holy Cross Secondary School is part of Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board group of schools. The school board is the school district administrator for Roman Catholic schools in the western portions of Eastern Ontario, including Napanee, Kingston, Belleville and Quinte West

The Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board covers 16,000 square kilometers, from Kingston in the east to Trenton in the west, from Picton in the south to Whitney in the north.

We have:

  • Five secondary schools
  • 32 elementary schools, with a new school opening in September 2024
  • Five elementary French immersion sites
  • Five adult learning sites (English as a second language, personal support worker program and more)
  • 12,000 students​

School Features


Nicholson Catholic College is a prestigous high school is supported by  Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board

Some Images