Msc Mathematics

As an MSc graduate in Mathematics you master a scientific language which can be used for problem solving in many branches of society. Job opportunities are good, e.g. in finance, IT, teaching or research..
The two years Master of Science in Mathematics degree program offers advanced mathematical training in the traditional areas of mathematics, yet is flexible enough to allow students to pursue interests in related areas of mathematics. Students may select courses in algebra, analysis, combinatorics, and geometry, as well as differential equations, graph theory, numerical analysis, probability, and statistical theory. Individual interests and future goals determine the actual course of study, within the guidelines given below.
The Master of Science in Mathematics program is designed for students with an undergraduate degree in mathematics or the equivalent. Applicants for this program should have completed a minimum of 14 semester hours of mathematics beyond calculus. Courses in analysis (advanced calculus), linear algebra, and modern algebra are particularly important. However, courses in other areas of mathematics may also provide the foundation needed for graduate work in mathematics. Applicants with insufficient preparation may be admitted on the condition that they complete certain prerequisite work to be specified by the department at the time of admission.
Career Path
Career directly related to your degree include:

  • Accountancy & Professional Service
  • The Actuarial Profession
  • Banking - Investment Banking
  • Banking - Retail Banking
  • Computing & IT
  • Engineering Sciences
  • Operational research
  • Research scientist (maths)
  • Secondary school teacher
  • Software engineer
  • Sound engineer
  • Statistician

