Bsc Agriculture

B. Sc. ( Hons.) Agriculture is a 4 year full time undergraduate programme to get the students acquainted with various facets of agriculture and its related specializations. The syllabus is framed in tune with the industrial as well as Government jobs requirement
The programme is beneficial to acquire adequate knowledge and skill to transform understanding of knowledge, institutional structures, and relationships surrounding the agriculture-society by improving social and ecological issues through agriculture.
B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture is a professional degree course. This course provide the required skills and enable the students to get themselves employed in Government sectors in state as well as central Government at different grades, banking sectors as agriculture officers, the Agro-Industries like food processing, grain and seed processing, dairy processing, fertilizer industries, pesticide industries etc.
Career path
Jobs directly related to your degree include:

  • Agricultural consultant
  • Farm manager
  • Fish farm manager
  • Plant breeder/geneticist
  • Rural practice surveyor
  • Soil scientist
  • Amenity horticulturist
  • Commercial horticulturist
  • Field trials officer
  • Forest/woodland manager
  • Horticultural consultant
  • Magazine journalist
  • Newspaper journalist
  • Sales executive

