Msc Optometry

The Master of Optometry is a two-year program. It will provide students with advanced knowledge, clinical skills and professional attributes related to the optometry profession. The course will incorporate the latest research and technology, as it will be developed by a group comprising academics, practitioners and representatives from international optometry companies and independents.
Graduates in optometry have exciting careers that may include clinical practice in a range of optometric settings, or teaching and research positions in Australia and overseas. Many graduates enter private practice with a view to future partnership or the establishment of their own practice. An increasing number of graduates are working alongside other health professionals in medical ophthalmology clinics.
Career Path
Master of optometry is postgraduate optometry course which includes eye and related structures as well as vision, visual systems & vision information processing in humans. Some most famous career Path for Master of Pharmacy

  • Customer Care Associate
  • Private Practitioner
  • Professor
  • Trainee Optometrist
  • Vision Consultant
  • Optometry Researcher

