BSc Operation Theater Technology
This program is designed to build a trained and qualified professional who will assist medical professionals in the operation theatre of hospitals, intensive care units as well as emergency departments. The success of the procedures and safety of patients depends largely on the reliability of the OT technician. Graduates will find a challenging career in hospitals, emergency centres and private laboratories. They can work in the operating theatres, ICUs and emergency departments of hospitals and also in the field of research, education and training.
This course will enable the student to:
- Apply the knowledge and skills of handling operation theatre room to provide safe and effective care to individual undergoing operational procedures.
- Demonstrate relative knowledge and understanding of vital parameters to be maintained during respective operations.
- Skills to access analyze and evaluate the information gathered during the treatment.
- Demonstrate the ability to plan, organize and report different diagnosis related to treatment.
- Assesses the patient for any complications with an understanding of the problem and recognizes the need to report the complications to the surgery.
- Understand professional and ethical responsibilities in patient care.
- Understanding of standard operating procedures and protocols for treatment/research work