Bsc Pharmacy

Pharmacy is a versatile, dynamic, growing, and increasingly diverse profession, one which creates an excitement because there are so many opportunities. B-Pharma or Bachelor of Pharmacy is an academic degree offered at the undergraduate level. This qualification is the fundamental requirement for getting the license to work as a pharmacist. This course demonstrate knowledge and skills that translate into problem solving abilities related to the day to day professional needs of the pharmaceutical industry, regulatory bodies and clinical pharmacy.
The program is beneficial to acquire adequate knowledge and skill in Pharmaceutical Sciences including Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis and Pharmacognosy and knowledge on safe use of drug and prevent society from adverse effects
Career Path
B Pharm graduates can don the roles like Industrial pharmacist (Manufacturing, Packaging, Quality Control and Quality Assurance), Hospital and Clinical Pharmacist (Dispensing of Medicines and Counseling of patients), Sales and Distribution executive (Detailing to doctors and bulk distribution of medicines), Academic Pharmacist (training diploma in pharmacy students), Scientist in research and development of new medicines, pharmacovigilance scientist, drug inspector and Forensic scientist. With experience, an aspirant can move up the ladder to occupy senior positions in pharmaceutical companies getting hefty pay and perks.

  • Chemical/Drug Technician
  •  Bio-Technology Industries
  • Drug Therapist
  • Drug Inspector
  • Hospital Drug Coordinator
  • Health Inspector
  • Pharmacist
  • Pathological Lab
  • Research & Development
  • Making Prescription to Patients
  • Research Officer

