School Details

Alexander College is a private post-secondary institution serving approximately 4,500 students every year. Alexander College offers a variety of undergraduate degree and transfer programs including University Transfer, Associate of Arts degree and Associate of Science degree. An integrated English for Academic Purposes program is also available to assist non-native English speakers with their transition to university level studies in the English language.

Established in 2006 under the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education, Alexander College consists of two urban campuses. These campuses are located in Burnaby and Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Alexander College first offered University Transfer and English for Academic Purposes programs. From the beginning, we have designed our programs to help first- and second-year undergraduates achieve success in their transition to the post-secondary environment. This success is facilitated by strong student support and readily available services.

Burnaby Campus

Our new Burnaby campus, located at 4805 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC, V5H 4T6, is located just a few blocks east of the previous Burnaby Metropointe campus, and directly across from the Metrotown shopping centre.

Vancouver Campus

Our Vancouver campus is located in the centre of downtown Vancouver, steps away from the major shopping, entertainment districts, major tourist attractions and j

School Features

Accreditation :

Alexander College is recognized and accredited by the BC Ministry of Advanced Education, Education Quality AssuraDegree Quality Assurance Board (DQAB), (EQA) program, and is a proud participant in the BC Transfer System, organized by the BC Council on Admissions and Transfer (BCCAT)

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