School Details

Doğuş University is a brand devoted to education for almost half a century. Doğuş University trains the future with the strength that it takes from its past as the pioneer of initiatives and innovations. Doğuş University, which was established by the Doğuş Educational Institution in 1995 and opened by the Law dated 9th July 1997 and numbered 4281 enacted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly, is a foundation university with a public entity. Doğuş University with its rapid academic progress has gained a successful place in higher education in a short time. It has 35 undergraduate programs in five faculties, 1 programs in the school of health sciences, 36 associate degree programs in the vocational school, 21 graduate programs and 3 doctorate programs in institute of graduate studies.

Doğuş University is a community that welcomes all cultures and makes its education attainable to people from all over the World. The mission of DOU international activity is to promote synergy between the Turkish and European education systems and ensure transfer of knowledge. Our International Office coordinates events aimed at making DOU a more international university. Responsible for managing international collaborations and academic mobility programmes, Doğuş University International Relations Office guides and supports students and staff in preparing necessary documents, providing useful online services, and solving all the issues, arising during the regarding processes, while incoming and outgoing. We cooperate with 75 partner universities in almost 20 countries all over Europe in the framework of Erasmus+ Programme. This exclusive student exchange programme is a great opportunity both for students and for institutions in terms of expanding cultural, educational, and personal horizons in overseas perspective. Taking into consideration the goals students and staff would like to accomplish while abroad, our main aim is supporting them in making the right decision that will probably change their future educational and personal life in a totally different way and develop a clear plan to do so. The main objectives of International Relations Office are development of international cooperation of the university in the enlargement of partnerships of DOU, the promotion of its institutional internationalization and organizational support of international activities.

Doğuş University has set its vision “to become a world class university by always aiming for perfection about teaching, training, research, and public service” and its mission “to raise competent and versatile individuals who would be acquainted with their country and the world” so as to realize its internationalization policy. By including the internationalization policy in three different sections in its Strategic Plan The University has set the goals as follows;

  • To make our Master’s and PhD programmes preferable among domestic and international students
  • To make our postgraduate education more prepotent
  • To increase the participation in the research endorsement projects other than scientific research projects (FP7, Horizon 2020, Erasmus+, TÜBİTAK, SANTEZ etc.)
  • To create a human resource of skilled researchers and maintain this resource by making the necessary alterations in terms of human resources policy to reach the world standards of academic productivity
  • To improve national and international cooperation
  • To amplify the international aspect of the university’s educational and research related activities
  • To increase our students’ international academic experiences
  • To enhance the international mobilities of our academic and administrative personne

School Features

University Accreditation Status :

  • Dogus University is recognized by the Turkish Higher Education Council and many European Union and Arab countries.
  • Faculty of Engineering Programs have been Accredited by MÜDEK

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