School Details

The Near East University, established in 1988, is located in Nicosia, capital of North Cyprus, and as an international higher education institution employing highly qualified staff, offers the most extensive undergraduate and postgraduate education opportunities to over 26 thousand students coming from over 100 countries. The Near East University has 20 faculties comprising 220 departments and programs, 8 graduate schools with around 218 graduate and postgraduate programs, and 3 high schools, 28 research institutes, and has several international memberships. The University is already a full member of the European University Association (EUA), International Association of Universities (IAU) within the body of UNESCO, International Society for Engineering Education (IGIP), Joint Commission International (JCI), the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW), 118 other national and international institutions and foundations.

The students of Near East University, are provided with all-round on campus facilities and opportunities such as sports fields, shops, restaurants, dormitories with a capacity of 5000 people, health and fitness centres, hospitals, cafes, student clubs, radio-TV centre, library, Olympic swimming pool, national and international banks, travel agencies, post office, scheduled coaches traveling between city and airport from early morning till late night, 24 hours security and health services.

The university has a supercomputer that ranks 13th in the world and first in the region in terms of computation speed and capacity. It is used to provide assistance to Turkish universities for research, and participates in the Help Conquer Cancer project, as well as the Large Hadron Collider experiment at CERN. In 2014, it also joined research on the search for treatments for the Ebola virus disease. The NEU-IBM research center, of which the supercomputer is a part of a mission to create a Northern Cyprus Research Area within the framework of the European Research Area, and conducts research in various fields, including health sciences, chemistry, physics, astronomy, architecture, engineering and mathematics.

Founded: 1988, Total Students: 27,000, International Students: 1800, Country: Northern Cyprus


School Features


Near East University is accredited by Higher Education Council in Turkey 


Near East University is accredited by the below prestigous bodies continues

6. JCI – Joint Commission International

7. International Council of Graphic Design Associations 

8. ICA – International Communication Association

9. European Public Relations Education and Research Association

10. Architectural Accreditation Board (MIAK)


Near East University is accredited by the below prestigous bodies

1. ASIIN –Accreditation Agency for Degree Programmes in Engineering,
Informatics, the Natural Sciences and Mathematics 

2. EDEXEL – Educational Excellence

3. FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation)

4. FIP – International Pharmaceutical Federation

5. ACPE – Accreditation Council for Ph


Near East University is a member of below prestigious bodies

1. EUA – European University Association

2. IAU – International Association of Universities


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